Here's a secret: I haven't posted anything on The Kitten Sandwich, my Danish blog.
That's not such a secret, I guess, if you've been checking it. But it's not for lack of trying. See, I'm limited by this things called "guidelines" and trying to find the right balance between deep and sad (and maybe a little depressing) and quirky and happy. In other words, I don't want to come off like I'm either on too much or too little Prozac.
The other thing is that I have to write, in great detail, about what I've been doing. I'm not so into that. As you know, I mainly write about stuff that's been on my mind/weird dreams I've had/brief anecdotes.
And the truth is, I'm kind of in hermit mode at the moment. I don't really want to leave my room, I'm slightly intimidated all the Danes in my kitchen (I never thought I'd write a sentence like that), and yeah, I'm a bit homesick. I blame it all on my comfortable bed, which I never want to leave.
Yesterday, I took a nap that turned into a three-hour energy gestation period that caused me to miss the boat trip and subsequent party that we new students were invited to.
I'm not a crazy person, I just remember what happened to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
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